Friday, October 25, 2013

Using Quotes Notes

if a source expresses opinion, use a quotation
 a major or complex story needs more than one quoted source

information that contains facts should normally be used as unquoted material
make sure the speaker of all quotations is properly identified use said as the verb to attribute the quote

direct quotes
the exact word for word account of what a source said enclosed in quotation marks and attributed to source

indirect quotes
a summary of what the speaker said reworded by the reporter

partial quotes

a combination of a adirect quotation and a paraphrase

fragmentary quotes
a single word or short phrase used by a source that is included in  a paraphrase enclosed in quotation marks and attributed to the source

use direct quotations to express a speakers unique point of view personality or manner of speaking
usin idirect quotes when you need to rephrase what the speaker said to make it more clear to the reader

use partial quotes to make colorful or memorable words stand out but overuse can make writing seem jumpy and too cute

Tyler Hamilton Interview

1.It was an interrogation, the reason for the interview was to get answers about lance and tyler

2.maybe he feels guilty for letting his teammates and himself get away with using performance enhancers

3.some of them are more hostile towards lance armstrong, but other than that no

4.The interviewer does put pressure on hamilton, so yes asking an open ended question then a follow up question

6. "I remember one time, after a race, he offered me a drop of oil"
the oil that he is talking about is testosterone

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Arnold swarzchenegger interview

1.were you afraid maria would leave you while you were governer? you take care of your child? did you feel about this?

4.when did maria find out it was your child?

5.would you do it again?

6.he appears uncomfotable, he studders alot and has really long explanations for his answers

Monday, October 21, 2013

Practice Interview Questions

Barack Obama-When do you think another government shutdown will occur?
Daniel Girard-Why did you make teachers work through their lunch periods at bel air?
Adolph Hitler-Why do you want to kill jews?
Tyler Hamilton-What made you want to be a cyclist?
Lance Armstrong-When did you start using performance enhancers?

Barack Obama-has NSA surveillance ended?
Daniel Girard-do you like akins high school?
Adolph Hitler-would you take back what you did?
Tyler Hamilton-have you ever used perfomance enhancers?
Lance Armstrong-do you still cycle?

Thursday, October 17, 2013

types of question

closed ended question: a question that allows the interviewee to answer with a yes no or one word answer
open ended question: a question that forces the interviewee to answer with more than a yes-no answer
follow up question: a question that originates from listening to something the interviewee says

Akins eagle eye evaluation

for the first time Akins will begin offering a park ranger internship program this year

what:Akins, Park ranger internship
why:so students could have jobs
when: this year
where:akins high school
how:major in environmental science sentence is in the lead
6.the lead is interesting
7.i want to read more of the story because i want to be a park ranger
8.this is the first year akins is offering this
9. no there was no personal opinion in the story

Friday, October 4, 2013

60 minutes

the name of the interview subject is the 9/11 museum

this is know because of the terrorist attack on the twin towers

"people need to know the whole story"

should the museum display everything they have?

 i learned the flight paths of the planes that hit